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Work smarter with Security Service Edge

COVID-19 has significantly changed the way many organisations and their people now approach work. Remote or hybrid work is now the new normal across many industries, with employees expecting their employers to offer flexible ways of working. Meeting this challenge requires better ways of securing access.

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Work smarter with Security Service Edge

Current market trends

With a fluid workforce come more challenges from a technology and secure access perspective. Businesses now must consider and address the following:

Flexible workforce

How to provide users with the necessary tools to do their jobs effectively no matter where they work

Cloud and digital

How to secure business interactions in areas where they have little or no control

Branch transformation

How to deliver transformation without adversely affecting user experience

Each of these unique problems have their own solutions but are often disparate and not desirable or cost effective for businesses to manage. The market has realised this and SSE solutions, offering a unified, integrated set of security services have been created to meet this need as cloud-first mentality is adopted.

Security Service Edge

SSE is part of the SASE framework (an umbrella term for a wide variety of network and security services) and solutions include:

Firewall as a Service (FWaaS)

A cloud based Next Generation Firewall as a Service provides capabilities for inbound and outbound protection and is ideal for:

  • Businesses with many sites requiring firewalls
  • Enterprises managing large fleets of physical firewalls
  • Small sites that may have strict security requirements but are too expensive to secure with on-prem firewalls
  • Enterprises needing next-generation firewall functionality


Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA)

Zero Trust is built on the idea that everything and everyone must be considered suspect. With Zero Trust one must interrogate, investigate and cross-check until we are 100% positive the access is safe to be allowed. A ZTNA architecture securely connects users to an organisation’s private applications in public clouds and data centres instead of traditional, broad network level access. It is ideal for:

Businesses with a significant remote workforce looking to move to a Zero Trust model
Customers looking to replace legacy remote access solutions
Enriching secure user access with more context than just identity


Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)

A CASB is a security policy enforcement point that is placed between users and cloud-based applications and services to apply enterprise security policies, and secure and control access to these cloud services. It eliminates shadow IT and use of unsanctioned cloud services, improving risk management and continuous compliance. CASB is ideal for:

  • Businesses with a significant remote workforce
  • Customers looking for more control over how cloud services are consumed – how users access sanctioned cloud applications and what they can do there
  • Businesses looking for single, consistent policy across multiple cloud applications


Secure Web Gateway (SWG)

A Next Generation proxy provided as a cloud service. Value drivers include: its easy application of Internet access policy; Better security of Internet access to enterprise managed hosts; Internet access control more tightly coupled to users, applications and services; Consistent on-premises and off-premises user experience. Ideal for businesses:

  • With a significant remote workforce
  • Looking to replace legacy on-premises proxy solutions
  • Wanting to more effectively regulate Internet access without negatively affecting user performance
Work smarter with Security Service Edge

“ Security service edge (SSE) secures access to the web, cloud services and private applications. Capabilities include access control, threat protection, data security, security monitoring, and acceptable-use control enforced by network-based and API-based integration. SSE is primarily delivered as a cloud-based service and may include on-premises or agent-based components.”

– Gartner


CyberCX managed SSE offerings

There is a need to provide security beyond the traditional network perimeter to adapt to changing work locations and consumption of Software as a Service. To address the growing threat landscape, adaptive and granular controls are required regardless of user, device or data location.

Selection of a suitable vendor solution can be a challenge and CyberCX accredited and certified specialists can help businesses choose the right solution to meet customers’ needs.

CyberCX is able to design, implement, migrate and configure market leading SSE solutions in line with best-practice approaches. The result is a fully optimised and aligned solution able to support the security goals of our customers.


CyberCX Managed Security Services

CyberCX team are focused on working with our clients, utilising a proactive approach to mitigate risk and manage incidents that occur to reduce the impact on business operations. Our processes are structured to keep our customers informed throughout the incident triage and remediation process, with multiple layers of technical escalation and vendor engagement embedded in the procedures.

Threat detection and analysis
Incident mitigation / remediation
Incident response and containment
Threat notification
Threat identification and classification
Incident monitoring and review

Ready to get started?

Find out how CyberCX can help secure your organisation and fluid workforce with managed cloud security solutions.

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The region’s largest team of incident responders handle over 250 cyber breaches per year.

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Training the next generation

The CyberCX Academy is training 500 cyber professionals over the next three years.


Ready to get started?

Find out how CyberCX can help secure your organisation and fluid workforce with managed cloud security solutions.